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  • Bankdata Client C# (.NET 2.0) Sample project
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  • Online Bankdata
  • Convert Bank account to SEPA
  • Calculate IBAN
  • Check SEPA Bank account
  • Check IBAN
  • Check German Bank account
  • Search for Bankdata
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  • Online Bankdata

    State of Bank data

    The data of the service is
    updated regularly:

    • German Banks
    • SEPA Banks

    Here you can see an part of the functionality contained in our Web service for bank data. For more information about Denapp Bankdata Service, click here.

    Search for Bankdata

    Find data of the German credit institutions corresponding to a given bank code, BIC or other data.

    When you use the Denapp Bankdata Service you are not restricted to input masks. The data can be filtered and transformed similarly complex how it is possible for a direct database connection using SQL.

    Select -
  • Search for Bankdata
  • Convert Bank account to SEPA
  • Calculate IBAN
  • Check SEPA Bank account
  • Check IBAN
  • Check German Bank account
  • Search for Bankdata